In the Name of the Sword
Acid Terrorist (graphics), Goto80 (sound), Linde (code). Released at LCP 2011. Please download and watch this on C64 & CRT screen, because it's impossible to capture it. All graphics made in PETSCII, which hopefully won't be the new hipster thing (is it already?).
Faxorz Tree Tracking
From the fax-performance with Raquel Meyers and Jacob Sikker Remin. Raa lovely!
Fuck My Account
A little noisy jam, with Raquel Meyers on the visualz. Especially happy with how I managed to make the C64 sound like someone who can't play the flute.
Göteborg, Stockholm, Budapest
After my longest break from gigs in 10 years, here are some upcoming shows:
Göteborg: 8 October @ Fängelset. With Nordloef and others.
Stockholm: 20 October @ Klubb Bitcrush. With Fsfreak.
Budapest: 17 November @ Moleman 2 release party. Performing with Raquel Meyers.