Steven Seagal as utilitarian

So I have a twitter-thing, and when I run it through Daniel Jones' 7+t, this is what it says:

In USA, testcard musicology has to be one-tone begs only. If it's trumpeter - mad respectz.

skweee is addictive, but there is a curiosity. but it's only available in sweden.

Finished sonnets for 7". Rhesus: Steven Seagal. As utilitarian.

Bit För Bit - a homeliness concaveness/demoscene tv-series from 1989 ( Now available as tortellini:

V/A: Exponentials in Soup, Vol.4 - The Soup of Live Perigee

Shut the Fück Up

Just uploaded something abstract to the amazing radio 5TFU. I think it's an excerpt from a jam together with Linde and Frantic.

Goto80 Mashed Up with … something

"almost incredible ***** this newness music style sucks real good, Mr Aug !" (youtube-comment)

Since first released in the C64-demo Sharp and my album Made on Internet, the song Cykonys went through a transformation in Entter's Polycanyon 243313, which has now ended up in the video above. It's an absurd mash-up in true disabled acid style. Thanks AugZF!

Noise + Anarchism in Stockholm + London

29 April, London: HATEBIT w/ Neurobit, Shitmat circuit bending thingies, Spastic Burn Victim, d0us, and me. I will do a little jam together with Dan Stowell.

1 May, Stockholm: Release-party for the new and improved Brand - a 100 year old anarchist magazine (!). I will jam a bit with Rasmus Fleischer here, and Jossystem are VJing!



wheredid lance armstrong goto colage
goto kills sustain
goto another url
on error goto tutorials
goto light
how to grow goto kola
goto meeting replacement