Dansa In Video

A story with pirates, sloths and sex told completely in text graphics and chipmusic. A blocky and brutal visual aesthetic synchronized with explosives, drunken funk and computer screams. All made in 44 kilobytes, to be executed by a Commodore 64 and its colourful ASCII-alternative called PETSCII.

Shown at UCLA Game Art Festival, competed at the Datastorm demoparty and is available as C64 executable here.

Visuals by Raquel Meyers, audio by Goto80 and coding by Johan Kotlinski.

Shown at Net Artist Music Videos in London (2013), UCLA Game Art, Los Angeles (2013).

How to make C64 music

I recorded myself making some beats from scratch on the C64. Acid funk skweee something? Nothing fancy, but gives you a peek into how it works. Or not. But just copy all my moves and then you have a C64-song!

Obviously there’s lots of boring parts, because this wasn’t supposed to be a live jam like 2SLEEP1 or sth. Skip and be happy.

In the Name of the Sword

Acid Terrorist (graphics), Goto80 (sound), Linde (code). Released at LCP 2011. Please download and watch this on C64 & CRT screen, because it’s impossible to capture it. All graphics made in PETSCII, which hopefully won’t be the new hipster thing (is it already?).


C64-demo by Acid T*rroreast, Mathman and me. Released at Datastorm 2012. This was recorded with a crap device so if you can, download and watch it on a C64 with CRT-screen and new SID-chip. Also check out other text art I’ve been involved with here.