Big Floppy People 2007

Maybe the best computer party in the world, Big Floppy People, has just been announced. Once again it will be an old milk factory full of 8-bit data people, emitting mad smells and good vibes. Go to the south of Sweden in July, because this is not to be missed. More info and the invite intro with my music here.

Petscii graphics by Dino

Demoscene 2006

  • 10 Years HVSC (C64-musicdisk 2006). “I almost pissed my pants from laughing! :DDD That sounds like a wannabe jazzy schoolband doing rehearsal in the backyard, just brilliant!!!” / Steppe in the HVSC-crew.
  • Fulfräs by Goto80 (C64-music, #? @ Amiga Summer Party 2006). I made this gabber song when I was really tired and it made me feel funny. Funny!
  • Diskmachine by Goto80 (C64-music, #2 @ Big Floppy People 2006). Another one of those songs I made at a demoparty. Thanks to Iopop/Triad for retrieving this from the floppy disk when I accidently deleted the song!
  • Vafalls! by Goto80 (Amiga-music, #3 @ Big Floppy People 2006).
  • Grandmaster Skrub by Skrub (Amiga-music, #? @ Backslash 2006). This is a song I made in 1995.
  • Acidroos by Goto80 (C64-music, #3 @ Backslash 2006). Yes, made at the party. 6581 weirdness.
  • Flax-91 by Goto80. Amiga-music. #1 @ Up Rough Drunken 15 minute ST-01 Compo.
  • Köttlars by Goto80 (C64-music, #1 @ St Lars Meeting 2006). Weird C64-beats, made at the party.
  • Goto80 + Jossystem sizzling summer action

    As a warm up for the summer, me and Dan from Jossystem were (supposed to have been) working on our audiovisual propaganda in May. And we did a gig at the wonderful Oro Gallery in Gothenburg.

    In July we did a gig at Backslash (Robots + Naked Chicks + Lasers) and then hung around in the Jossystem HQ in King’s Ear for a week, doing some heavy data work. That’s when I got into Myspace. :) We finished off our data psychosis with a gig at Arvikafestivalen. We didn’t play as a part of the festival really, but in the tent of Galago/Vertigo/Ordfront by the entrance. Chaos ruled the gig, and afterwards I found my C64-disks in the dirt, stomped on by the mad crowd! Woops. I spent the night in the tent of Bromander and Amaurot, but I managed to keep my clothes on. Well, I had to because it was freezing and I didn’t have any sleeping gear. I got up early next morning and took the train to Gothenburg to play at the internet headphone apartment festival (!?) Totogo. I was sort of trashed when I got there, and I tried my best to clean my C64-disks so they would work. Some of them did, but I lost some of newest acid-tracks. Error! Error! Brrrrrr!

    We also made a mini tour in August: 8-bit festival 2 (Tampere), Assembly (Helsinki) and Pirat-fest (Stockholm). Finally I got to go on one of the ferries between Sweden and Finland. They’re famous for being trashy, tacky, lo-fi, alcoholic, sleezy, etc. It was great! The photos and videos we took during our trip (and nothing more) were used to make the Volksing-video. Here’s three of them: (shot by Björn Bengtsson)

    SWÄG organised the 8-bit festival. (check their mp3-downloads!)

    nice socks, nice crowd

    si si
    swingin’ an a filmin’

    And there’s a video of my gig at the 8-bit festival.

    The party in Stockholm was arranged by the big and beautiful Piratbyrån, and it was a good ending to another mini tour. Rickard Falkvinge was there to see the massive release of Jossystem’s Jag heter Rickard Falkvinge. Björn Bengtsson and Psilodump took photos, and here are the absolute worst ones. (unhealthy insomniac ferry style)

    as bad as it gets

    We also made more shows this summer together with Entter, but that’s a different story!

    Data Jam

    Audiovisual datajam at gallery Big Love (rip) on Hisingen Island. It was me, Dino, Yoki, Booger, Mortimer Twang and Optiroc = top notch Hack n’ Trade Up Rough data elite. So we did assembler programming, PETSCII-stuff, Deluxe Paint animations, Protracking, LSDJing, JCHing, etc. Maybe we’ll get videos online some day, here’s two photos while you’re waiting. Oh, and yes – we destroyed so much that evening. It was beautiful.

    Demoscene Datatrash Stlars

    I was in a basement in the south of Sweden last night, where the Commodore 64 demo scene elite d00ds gathered in some sort of oldschool worker-revolutionary book café …. thing. St Lars Meeting!. Nice sweaty crammed data action battlez by the Swedish (and other) C64-elite. I made a song at the party which was called Köttlars. (Play with VICE) It got first place in the competition, after settling it in a joystick shake-until-they-break Tour De France session with Zzap64. My song and visuals are in the finest of data trash traditions, and everytime the song is looped it’s slightly “remixed”. (Thanks to Mäts for coding the visuals.)

    jucke packing it daaauuunnn

    Talking about demoscene data trash… Check out the C64-demo Industrial Breakdown by Booze Design, the Vic-20 demo Robotic Liberation (youtube) by PWP, and the modern demoscene datatrash-stuff by the Slovakian Zden. Check out his demo PC-demo Metamorf for example.

    Demoscene 2005

    > Dear Santa by Up Rough Kidz (Amiga-intro, 2005). Mega cute xmas mash up mega mix deluxe ballad!

    > Hello:FRIEND by Fairlight (C64-demo, #3 @ LCP2005)

    > Chasing Pop by Goto80 (Amiga-music, #1 @ LCP2005)

    > Cp/l by Goto80 (C64-music, #5 @ LCP2005). Well, what can I say? What kind of music am I supposed to be doing at those dizzy copy parties? Besides, I did finish that very proper Chasing Pop tune at the same time aswell.

    > Mental Respirator by Phantasy (Gameboy-demo, #5 @ Breakpoint 2005)

    > Datahell by Goto80 (C64-music, #1 @ Floppy 2005). Made at the Floppy party, after having made the beta version already (they’re both featured on my Digi-Dig release). Some nice text art datatrash in there too, I think it was made by Autoboy.

    hello frienddatahell!dear santamental respirator

    Demoscene 2004

    > Vandalism News #42 by ONS, SCS+TRC, VNS, WD (C64-diskmag 2004)

    > Alfa – cute C64 ambient, scored #3 @ Datahelg 2004.

    > Exy – a somewhat messy C64-song I made when I was in Holland to play live at the legendary C64-party X, in Hengelo. I actually scored the worst ever with this song (#17), which is strange because I am still really happy with this song. Hm, maybe that says more about my mind than anything else really….

    > Thisdemowasnotmadebygoto80 by Coders With Attitude (C64-demo, #11 @ X’2004)

    > Postcards From Stockholm by Fairlight (C64-demo, #1 @ LCP2004)

    > Goa Brudbilder by Hack n’ Trade (C64-demo, #6 @ LCP2004) – interlaced PETSCII power!

    vandalismthis demo was not made by goto80!postcards from stockholmgoa brudbilder!

    Demoscene 2003

  • Emanation Machine by Fairlight. Really nice C64-demo which scored #1 @ LCP2003. I remember making the song at the party place, somewhat stressed in the noise of the party. Ah, the sweet life!
  • Knark by Phantasy (Gameboy-demo, #1 @LCP2003)
  • Domination #18 (C64-diskmag 2003)
  • Londonk by Goto80 (C64-music, #2 @ Floppy2003). Drum n bass again! I think I fucked this up in the end, really stressed to have it finished for the compo (as usual). Underground Helsingborg daze…
  • Loaded by Fairlight (C64-demo, #2 @ Floppy2003)
  • emanation machinedominationloadedknark!

    Demoscene 2002

  • The Yard BBS-intro by Up Rough. Amiga BBS-intro in Punch Out style!
  • Summerfun by Hack n’ Trade (C64-intro, #10 @LCP2002). Eek, a really old song by me!?
  • Flämtvax by Goto80 (C64-music, #1 @ LCP2002). This is the song that I later that summer would right some lyrics to and perform live at Norbergfestival. Nowadays known as Cracker’s Delight.
  • Dots3000 by Hack n’ Trade (C64-intro, #8 @ LCP2002)
  • Demotronic by 1.000.000 BOYS (Gameboy-demo, #2 @LCP2002). So, this is the best gameboy demo ever, probably. Technically it beat everything hands down at the time, and it’s still one of the best demos ever because of the fresh design and fuckyou-attitude.
  • 1977 by Up Rough (C64-intro, #13 @ LCP2002)
  • Hits for Kids by Up Rough (Amiga-musicdisk, 2002). Mega cute super mega Goto80 music disk LP thing!
  • Doc Bacardi Meets Doc Sportdryck (C64-demo, #1 @ Mainframe 2002). Really silly goa trance song I made in an hour or so, for a really silly demo. Or is it?
  • Gopho – a C64-song that earned me 15 bottles of wine from a small family owned wine producer in northern Italy! (#1 in Sidwine Compo 2002)
  • Pretending to See the Light by Fairlight. Really great C64-demo, #1 @ Floppy2002.
  • Italo Megamix – a nice little C64-intro in italo disco style, with a megamix I made of good ol’ songs. #6 @ Floppy2002.
  • the yarddemotronicdots30001977summerfundoc bacardi meets doc sportdryckpretending to see the lightitalo mega mixhits for kids