This is my C64 “music disk”: four slow, dubby, ambientish songs with reactive PETSCII visuals for each song, made by iLKke and 4-mat. And all of this fits in just 14 kilobytes!
It accompanies my latest album, released on Datadoor. Two of the songs are from that release: Linkan (which I made an installation/performance with) and Steel Egg (featured in the 8-bit Reggae book). One song was featured in the Ferret Show with a jazz band jamming on top of it.
The executable program is only available on Antidote BBS, the longest running C64 BBS in the world. It runs on a real C64 but you can telnet into it over the internetz. So that machine is my distributor!
This is how the disk directory looks when you list the files of the floppy disk. Because alphabetical structures of files is boring, and PETSCII is great.