I made some quick PETSCII-suggestions for the BBS of 38CR (the notorious hacker event by CCC) around xmas, but I sent it in too late so it was never used.\o

Killer Piller, the demo

Jambonbill & Ailadi in PET.CORP have made this video/demo for a new remix of my old song Killer Piller. It came #1 in the Wild Demo compo at Zoo’24. It runs in the browser, as you can see here. Oh, and btw, I’ve joined PET.CORP!


I found this clip with a song I that I had completely forgotten about. It was released in the C64-production DiverSIDty #2 in 2022. Nice visualizers!


My little part for the C64-demo 50sixx-6 by Judas, to celebrate Sixx’s birthday. PETSCII-animation and SID-reggae, just the way you like it! The demo includes lots of indecent PETSCII by Dino, Jucke and Kerstin.


Me and my crew mates in Hack n’ Trade released a PETSCII-demo for C64 a while ago: LVLLVLtro. It was made for James, who codes the brilliant online PETSCII editor lvllvl. It features work by HT-members like Ray Manta, Jellica, Linde, me and Ant1. Guests include Jucke, Dino, Polyducks, Richard and Sire.

PS. This is the 809th post on this site. :>)