V/A: Christmasasaurus Vol 2 (Candymind MP3)

13 Goto80 – Feed the World

Through the royal likes of Candymind: Peppermint Pony and Bubblegum Octopus presents a very nice twisted micro-style christmas collection with lots of goodies. I especially like the songs by 3PL3T1CF1T, Bit Shifter, Dorothy’s Magic Bag, ipaghost, Unicorn Dream Attack… well, just go get all of the 24 tracks here.

Still not sure about my song – a quick and weird “interpretation” of Band Aids* old song Do They Know It’s Christmas? (check out the covers!). Read the original lyrics here (filed under ethnocentrism).

This site runs a 100% anti-funky General MIDI version of the song, if you’re into those perversions. (which you are, ofcourse)

* ‘

(mr.t’s rap song)

V/A: One Way (Stained Sheets MC)

one way is no way but that was not notone way is no way but that was not notone way is no way but that was not notone way is no way but that was not not

05 Goto80 – Fitting In

A cassette from the Swedish noise label Stained Sheets. The cassette has one long sinus tone through out the whole collection. My song is very different from anything else I’ve released as Goto80, as it’s very chaos noisy. I was trying to fit in, but in the end I didn’t fit in at all. Oh well.