history of the butt

Yeeehaaa, media panic reset! Check this out before it goes off-line: Kentucky Prophet – History of the Butt

…the music is actually something I released a few years ago:

…and read more about this ordeal in this very dry and pretentious post.

Trashed Myspace

Somebody logged into my myspace-account in the end of January and restored it to the default look. Go there and take a look at what all my good friends have to tell me! Oh myspace, you rock my world.

(It’s been completely black for a couple of months)

Commodore Scene Lifetime Achievement Award….not

Commodore Gaming, who owns the C= brand, had a party for the 25th year anniversary of the Commodore 64. They held a Commodore Scene Lifetime Achievement Award where me, Jeroen Tel and Rob Hubbard were nominated in the music category. Rob Hubbard won, and to me that was an excellent choice. Hollowman, whose demos I’ve made music for, won the category ‘Best Innovator’. All in all I think the nominees and results were surprisingly good!


Copyright sucks

Hey, public service radio P3! Next time you use my music in your stupid comedy programs, could you please give me credit for my work? Atleast when people e-mail you and ask who made the music. Ok? Ni e la för gooa, era svin.

And if rumours are true, that goes for MTV in Holland too. Varken. Looks like another jackpot for the über-organisations in the copyright/patent legal system, because I’m tired. Enjoy this instead:

Kembrew McLeod (academic intellectual property critic prankster)
Copyshop (“hey, can they really sell that?”)
Piratebay (“hey, can they really provide that?”)
Artliberated (liberate it now)
sCrAmBlEd?HaCkZ! (who’s got the copyright now, bitch?)
Polotalk (jossystem are my heroes in crime)



I made a (pretty stupid) interview for the dutch TV-channel Zooi, after my show in Rotterdam. It was aired on February 2 and you can check it out in real media. Then there was one in Spain in October last year aswell on Cuatrosfera.

Residence in France

This week, Goto80 and Entter featuring Jeremy have an artist residence at Avec La Gare just outside of Marseille. Follow the progress here and dont miss the workshops and gigs on Saturday!

..and I will try to get this blog working properly as soon as possible!

Goto80 = C64-remixer?

An old demoscener wrote some Swedish articles about C64-music as a university project. (Read here).

(my translation) “There’s a couple of bands that perform C64-songs with traditional instruments live. SID80’s, Press play on tape, Goto80, The C64 mafia and the acapella group Visa Röster are some of the names.” Yikes. C64-remixing isn’t really my thing, eventhough it has happened once or twice or thrice or thrhurrhhaiejg.
