Reuses of the Ferret Show

The Ferret Show is a musical that me, the Uwe Schenk Band and Raquel Meyers did. We released it as video and as MP3s at Upitup. Those MP3s were completely free for others to use (ie, it was not creative commons), so it was published as public domain at Free Music Archive.

It seems like that made it reach out to a lot of people who don’t normally hear my music. So there’s a pretty bizarre collection of YouTube clips that uses one of the songs from the Ferret Show:

A guy on a motorbike buying sushi ingredients, someone talking about customer service, duct tape artist documentary, instant art career, dinosaur comedy, unpacking pokemon, new zealand trans something, the game go, backseat gamer, video game sex, a machinima movie or sth, how to draw ASCII weapons, some kind of cartoon, an article about Brooklyn Circus style, and so on. And here’s even more:

Bonus: Japanese Girl Drinking Cow Piss and F**king!

F.A.T Award For My New Book!

OMG I won an award for my book – and it hasn’t even been released yet! The book is called Computer Rooms and contains photos that people have taken of their computer rooms. If you want to see it as gear-pr0n you can, obviously, but it’s more about the context of it. The messy IRLity, that very few people get to see. The material context of computer culture, if you will.

And now, Geraldine Juarez of the fresh F.A.T. Lab gave me an award for the book. And what an award! It’s the F.A.T NIKA – “the fake Gucci of the fame economy” and “a 3D modelled object statuette, copied from Wikipedia images of the Greek Nike of Samothrace and Ars Electronica’s Golden Nica”. Hooray!

The book was released and exhibited at CLICK Festival last weekend, and it will be available to order in a few days. Some minor errors that need to be fixed first. E-mail me if you want to be reminded. In the meantime:

> More about the NIKA at F.A.T.
> More about the book at CLICK

About interviewing

Interviews are strange. Sometimes it’s almost like being a research assistant for the journalist — especially when it’s about chip/demo stuff. Unpaid work is always the best work!

But yeah, recently I was interviewed by a journalist who had obviously studied my Chipflip-timeline pretty well. That was a nice change. And one of the purposes of that list was indeed to educate researchers (though that might’ve been lost now, when it’s become so big).

Here is the article in English. It’s packed with references, many of which I’ve never heard about (which is good!). I like that Kjell Nordbo is mentioned as one of the most respected producers in the scene (my guess is that both 4mat and me mentioned him).

There are also three separate articles for me (English), Pixelh8 and 4mat. Here are some of the questions with my original answers, if u’re into those things. And if you want to know more, read here.

Q. Do you sometimes feel limited by hardware/software used?

The character of any technology lies in the limitations. If something is unlimited, it doesn’t even exist. : ) The fun part of playing a piano is to have two hands and fixed notes and so on. So yes, of course I feel limited. Often it’s in a good way of subconsciously feeling like “phew, I don’t have to make that decision” or “ah okay nice so I have to challenge myself to come up with a different solution than what I was thinking of”. Sometimes it’s just bad, of course, when you want to have more voices and so on. But then I’ll just record stuff and overdub.

Q. Where do you place the born of chip music?

– 1951 with the first digital music
– 1977 and the first video game console with a soundchip
– 1989 when the term chipmusic first appeared in the demoscene
– 1999 with, record relases, concerts, etc

The origin of chipmusic was, I guess, rather expected. There were computers with software that you could use to make music. So people started to do that. And they distributed their music for free, to get maximum attention. Demos/intros/music-compilations started to appear on big floppy disks, sent around the world. Or – and perhaps more interesting – there were also modem-networks of hackers/traders etc who distributed these materials around the world.

Q. I noticed that people thinks that chip music is a derivation of some Warp ambient-techno, but you will confirm me that it’s not so (maybe it’s the contrary, and people like AFX has been influenced to the gaming culture).

Aphex Twin’s label Rephlex was one of the few labels who were connected with the early chipscene around year 2000. They released Bodenständig 2000’s album, which is one of the first examples, and still a fantastic album. Also artists like DMX Krew and Cylob were slightly involved with But other than that – all the big labels like Warp were far too serious to have anything to do with chipmusic : ) In general, it’s quite rare to hear chipmusic that sounds like slow IDM. The C64-musician ED is a good exception though.


Alright, so go on get yer Goto80 t-shirts, designed by Raquel Meyers. I still have a few L-sizes left, but for S/M/XL you’ll have to go shopping at Plan9. They also sell Raquel’s other designs, like this little vomit-beauty!


Soitetuimmat artistit
1. Dingo (24 krt)
2. Goto80 (10 krt)
3. Bruce Springsteen (9 krt)
4. Elvis Presley (8 krt)
5. Eino Grön (8 krt)

What a list! From radio noise.


The visualist Raquel Meyers, once a member of Entter, now does her own work. The Basque TV-show Burp did a feature on her that you can check here. A couple of my songs are in there, but the main reason to check it out is raquel’s visual work and the basque language!

LEDs, Noise and Runebune

Oh, I found this little video recording where me and Rune Bune play live at Microdisko in Copenhagen last November. Unfortunately you can’t see Rune’s C64-visuals as they were on another wall. Some of the photos got some of the magic though. Stu’s liveset was also filmed – here – but Computadora Feliz’s set wasn’t, unfortunately. Anyway, they were shown at Copenhagen local TV (highly recommended, btw!) around christmas aswell apparently. Merry christmas! And here’s a glimpse of the live-jam that happened aswell:


Update: shame trash mash

Hey. Things are a bit slow. Sorry for cancelling my show in Falun, I think it’s the first show I’ve ever cancelled. I had my reasons… Anyway. Just found a nice review of my gig at En Festival i 8 Bitar a while ago: “The seventh artist, GoTo80, the biggest artist of the evening, was probably the worst thing I’ve ever experienced. The only attention I could give him was an irritating look and hands over my ears. The guy was only screaming a lot and gave me a headache. The fact that his name was so big mostly just made me upset. I definitely wanted to go home when he started playing. Luckily, he was the last artist of the evening. Score: 0 of 10” / Jenny

Photo of HT Gold exhibited at the central square of Copenhagen as part of re:new. It’s mega-modified game, running straight from C64. Sorry for disturbing your otherwise standard sunny afternoon of coffee, pölse, and “true indian music” – but the datatrash cannot be stopped! More photos here and here. And by the way, there is some pretty square theoretical chip-art stuff over at chipflip nowadays. Don’t miss out!

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