Some of the projects are very real material explorations of the unfound potentials of “old” technologies, like teletext and fax machines. Other projects are quite unreal and virtual, even if they don’t seem to be.
▗ Selected projects

Hit Me With Your Robot Music
Robots that play music and stuff. A project with Jacob Remin.

ASCII Graffiti
Painting graffiti with ASCII stencils.

Performances where the audience takes control of the artist.

My Teletext Music Software
A music software on teletext?

Computer Rooms
Quite simply, a photobook of computer rooms.

Datagården Teletext Installation
Speculative teletext cemetary.

* (DVD Dead Drop MP3)
Album released in a hole in the wall of MOMI.

Networked fax performances in the office.

The Ferret Show: A Musical With Uwe Schenk Band
A PETSCII-musical with the Uwe Schenk Band.
▚ Videos
█ More projects
█ Numerous collections of ANSCII graphics (2020, on-going)
█ Spaceblanket exhibition in Hong Kong (2019) w/ PET.CORP. Showing Shirbum, robot music, and more.
█ Korridoren (2018) w/ Björn Bengtsson. “Getter, VR och uppslukande landskap”.
█ Robot Music (2017-) w/ Jacob Remin. Robots making music.
█ Seafax (2016). Teletext art exhibition.
█ Dataslav (2015). Performance at ANTIHUMANISM.
█ Custom8 (2014-). Online thing to sell work instead of music.
█ ASCII Graffiti (2014-). Spraying ASCII graffiti.
█ Linkan (2014). Installation/performance about the materiality of a song.
█ l0v3 byt3s (2014). Celebrating Vuk Cosic by converting pr0n to PETSCII. With Raquel Meyers.
█ Yeti Sound Machine (2013). Audiovisual performance for kids, with Raquel Meyers.
█ Computer Rooms (2013). Photo book commissioned by Click Festival.
█ Datagården (2013). Semi-ficitional teletext graveyard for Bonniers Konsthall.
█ * (2013). Music released in a hole in the wall of MOMI New York, as part of DVD Dead Drop.
█ Memoblast (2013). Fax performance with Jacob Sikker Remin and Raquel Meyers.
█ Mind the Volcano (2013). Live performance with PETSCII and teletext visuals by Raquel Meyers.
█ Remote Control Music Studio (2013). Video of a teletext music software.
█ Dataslav (2013). Turning the music artist into the worker.
█ TEXT-MODE (2012). Blog about text graphics curated with Raquel Meyers.
█ Fax & Frankering For Folket (2011). Fax performance with Raquel Meyers and Jacob Sikker Remin.
█ 2SLEEP1 (2011). Text mode audiovisuals for sleeping, with Raquel Meyers.
█ Datajam 2 (2010) A/V performance with C64’s, etc. With Frantic, Jucke, Dino. Performed at Hacknights #2 (se).
█ Polybius (2009) A/V performances with Raquel Meyers.
█ Glitch Studies Manifesto (2009) A/V performance with Rosa Menkman presented at Montevideo (nl)
█ Gotozilla (2009) Live soundtrack to the movie Son of Godzilla from 1967. Performed at Sensurround (se).
█ Artist in residence at CEM/WORM (2009) Exploring the combination of C64 and analogue modular synths in Rotterdam (nl)
█ Standing On The Shoulders of Giants (2009) Jacob Sikker Remin’s installation with my text & music. Shown at Machwerket, Århus (dk)
█ Black Noises (2009) With Otro. Animated Amiga piece exhibited at Galerie Duplex, Toulouse (fr)
█ MINIMUM DATA >> MAXIMUM CONTENT (2009) Selection of audiovisuals, extremely small in filesize for Cimatics (be).
█ Simulation With Timelapse (2009) Video art by Scott Jon Siegel exhibited at Annual General Meeting 09, Radiator Festival (uk)
█ Goto80 & Skuggan (2008) Live TV-performance on a children’s Idol-like show, dressed as a salad and singing falsetto
█ Punk Potemkin (2008) Live soundtrack performance with Superdöner to Battleship Potemkin at Malmö Festival (se)
█ HT Gold (2008) Ultra-glitched C64 game made together with Autoboy.
█ Artist in residence (2007) with Entter at La Gare de Coustellet (fr) including conferences, workshops, and performances.
█ Porno Invaders (2006) with Shojono Tomo and Entter. Shown at Beames Gallery, Tokyo (jp), Kimono Fusion (se)
█ Data Jam (2006) A/V installation/performance with Up Rough at Big Love Gallery, Göteborg (se)
█ Illegal Heroes (2005) Net art with Entter. Immigration as a video game, shown at Xarearte &
█ Pilgrim’s Progress (2005) Animated film with James Dingle. Shown at SXSW Film Festival, Austin (us)