Skybox nominated for Meteoriks

Skybox, the C64-demo in PETSCII that Extend made with my music, has been nominated in the Meteoriks 2023. That’s the yearly awards for all things demoscene. I don’t think I’ve ever worked on something that was nominated, so that’s cool. It’s good that some stuff a bit off the beaten path can get some attention as well, hehe.



V/A: 20y20k (20kbps rec)

20y20k is a 20 year celebration of 20kbps rec, a steadfast point to return to while online music continues to deteriorate. Their website is exactly the same today as it was back then, and that works just fine.

Anyway, this compilation features classic 20kbps artists such as Jimmy Slaughter, Starpause, The Hardliner, Overthruster, Atarix, Origami Repetika, Sascha Müller, me and many more.

Check it outz!


Old releases popping up

If you are following me on Bandcamp, you’ve seen that I’m re-publishing a lot of old releases there. Just now I did Wet Pulse, for example.

If you’re not following me on Bandcamp, you haven’t seen that I’m re-publishing a lot of old releases there. Just now I did Wet Pulse, for example.

More stuff on the way!

New demoscene things

I had some music released on the Zoo demoparty in Finland this weekend.

DiverSIDty #2 is a music disk with music by loads of people like Danko, Fegolhuzz, Flotsam and Shogoon. And me. You can download the file on CSDb and run it in a C64 emulator.

Skybox is a an impressive, noisy, stylish and eerie C64-demo made by the excellent Finnish demogroup Extend (and me). It’s all made in PETSCII, and plenty of it is made by Electric who I have worked with several times before. The demo is available in C64-format at CSDb.

Hey, unrelated but… You know what? In May next year it will be 30 years since I released my first demoscene thing?!