8static Festival, Philadelphia

Hey, I’m coming back to Philly soon to play the 3-day 8static Festival, which is one of the biggest chip-events in USA nowadays, I think? People like Cheap Dinosaurs, Saskrotch, fearofdark, Danimal Cannon and Nullsleep are playing. Check the full line-up here.

My First Battle of the Bits Contribution

I’ve been a member since I was a wee little lad running in the fields of glory. But I never submitted a track. Until now. So here is my first contribution to Battle of the Bits – the not enough known chip community that has outlived most of the other ones.

It’s an Amiga song, built around a short loop that my brother made back in his Amiga days. There’s no real ending to the song, because it’s supposed to loop – like all the Amiga chiptunes in the 1990’s did.

Essay for Rhizome about videotex art

I wrote a text for Rhizome’s Net Art Anthology. It’s an online exhibition that just started, and will go on for two years to show old and new net art.

I was asked to write about Reabracadabra, made by Eduardo Kac in 1985. It’s made for videotex, an early network technology sort of like a two-way teletext that was successful pretty much only in France, with the Minitel.

It’s a fascinating (and forgotten) technology, and I’m glad Rhizome helps to bring this forth. I for one am going to keep on digging into the videotex world at t3xtm0.de if not somewhere else.

Live in Austin (last week)

Somehow I forgot to blog about the show in Austin that I took part in for Halloween. After a successful indiegogo campaign, they raised enough money to bring me over from California and Colorado, take down the wrestling ring in a beer brewery, and throw a great party!

I have upcoming shows and talks in Philadelphia, Montreal, Waterloo, Buenos Aires, Mexico City, and New York. Will try to be a bit more informative about those..

V/A: Rhythmus Records Presents…

I have a little soft reggae song (!?) on this compilation from Rhythmus Records, along with artists like Monodeer, dkstr, Firedrill and KeFF. Get it on Bandcamp.

I guess the idea for this song was to make 1990’s mainstream reggae, in some sort of chipstyle. Good idea, right?

80864 out now!

My new album, 80864, presents 2 years of experiments with the TR-808 and C-64. It’s out on 12″ floppy style vinyl, cassette and for download. If you buy the vinyl you also get 7 bonus tracks digitally. I think at least half of the vinyls and cassettes have already been pre-ordered, so don’t be lazy! Read more about it here.

Bandcamp for downloads, vinyls and cassettes
Spotify for streaming