Video: Stanley’s Trauma
Stanley’s Trauma, a video by Raquel Meyers and me with PETSCII-spewing techno robots. The song is from 80864.
DUBCRT feature
There’s a long feature on DUBCRT in RESET Magazine #9.5, that you can pdf-read here. Tim from DataDoor talks about the background and inspirations to the project and me, 4mat and iLKke say a few things as well.
As mentioned in the interview, a new batch will be made soon so stay sharp if you don’t want to miss it! Uh, meaning: stay tuned at Shareware PLUS.
Slovenian Jams, Panels & Performances, Feb 2-6
Two shows in Ljubljana coming up:
Feb 2: MENT festival/conference, as part of the Kamizdat night. I’ll also be in the panel talk FREE/LIBRE MUSIC: ARTIST’S MEDICINE OR POISON?
Feb 6: ZVO.?I.TI ( DUO, doing a solo C64 improv set and a joint performance together with Luka Prin?i? (Nova deViator).
Demobit, Bratislava
V/A: Kooky Nuts Pop (Darling Dada MP3)
Kooky Nuts Pop is a great new compilation to celebrate 10 years of the radio show Istota Ss?ca with Gelbart, Satanicpornocultshop, The Toilet, Wankers United, Ljudit Andersson, DKSTR and about 30 others. Oh yeah and me, remixing Eat Rabbit.
If you’re into the weird, you’re into this! Check it out at Darling Dada!
Frum dafoiewjfei wfodwf
I made a collaboration song with Koolskull when I was in Los Angeles, and he’s now put it out on his album TEMPLE OF SLIME. Ariel Pink is on there too. Cool, huh?
Frum dafoiewjfei wfodwf (feat. Goto80)
Feel free to speculate about some more collaboration tracks coming out in 2017?!
Live @ MAGFest, Washington DC
Hey I’m playing at the spectacle of MAGFest this weekend, along with le chiptuners, game rockers, and all of that chipbang. I’ll bring some of the very last copies of the 80864-tape, as well as 0407 and some surprise copies of my 2005 Commodore Grooves CD-album – with hot multimedia action!
Kittenrock chip mix for xhrist mass 2016
Kittenrock chip mix for xhrist mass 2016 just came out, featuring plenty of ze good chipperies by Bud Melvin, Saskrotch, Cymba, Hizmi, Jellica, Cheapshot, Corset Lore and many others.
Two Hour Radio Special
The Canadian radio show Infinibit just ran a two-hour special with yours truly. A varied selection of old and new that you can listen to here.
Also, I’m doing two talks, one gig and a workshop in Canada soon.
Canada, Argentina, Mexico, USA
Upcoming dates:
Montréal, 25 november: Keynote speaker @ IO Symposium
Montréal, 25 november: Workshop @ IO Symposium
Montréal, 26 november: Live @ Toy Company
Waterloo, 29 november: Talk @ Waterloo University (cancelled)
Buenos Aires, 3 december: Live @ Blipblop End of the world party
México City, 10 december: Live @ Format.DF
New York, 17 december: Live @ Babycastles