DUBCRT feature

There’s a long feature on DUBCRT in RESET Magazine #9.5, that you can pdf-read here. Tim from DataDoor talks about the background and inspirations to the project and me, 4mat and iLKke say a few things as well.

As mentioned in the interview, a new batch will be made soon so stay sharp if you don’t want to miss it! Uh, meaning: stay tuned at Shareware PLUS.

Demobit, Bratislava

Demobit is a demoparty in Bratislava, Slovakia 27-29 January. I’ll play there with Zden as VJ – one of my favourite demo makers on the PC. We played together at one of the oldest techno clubs in Germany last summer (thanks Exlepäng!), and now we’re going to up the game!

Live @ MAGFest, Washington DC

Hey I’m playing at the spectacle of MAGFest this weekend, along with le chiptuners, game rockers, and all of that chipbang. I’ll bring some of the very last copies of the 80864-tape, as well as 0407 and some surprise copies of my 2005 Commodore Grooves CD-album – with hot multimedia action!