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Through the years I've bought tons&gallons of what some might call shit. All kinds of
gadgets, but mostly 8bit computer-stuff. Some years ago I tried to be a dedicated collector,
but I've given that up. I have thousands of C64 games/demos/utils which I collected
properly (no fucking leeching from das internet and transferring - pure copyslaving action)
and some (1000?) amigadisks aswell. Unfortunately, I've totally messed up my C64-collection
and don't really know how to find anything. Anyway, here's a picture from 1995 or
These pictures contain (with many duplicates) C1901, C64, C64-II, C64C, C64G, C64GS, C65,
C128, C128 (64k VDC), Vic20, MPS1200, A500, 15 joysticks (bathandle, redball, tac-2,
slikstick..), about 1000 5.25" disks, 1541, 1571, 1541-II, 1581, Moog Rogue (my brother's),
lightpen, C1351, 5 different kinds of datasettes, bruce lee paper (auf deutsch), ray pruit
poster (!), and old pc-printer, SFX Music Keyboard, 100 original C64-games, ZX Spectrum+,
Dragon32, a dozen C64-carts and some for vic20, ABC80 with some additional bollocks...
and the beat goes on and on and on and... Maybe I should make a complete list to brag about
some day. (note the megafresh hack n' trade intro on the tv-screen)